You’re Not Where You Want To Be

You’re here. You may not be where you hoped you would be. Perhaps things aren’t going as well as you’d planned. Maybe you never got started. But what are you going to do about it, today?

Yesterday is Gone

Yesterday doesn’t matter. Neither do the thousand before it. The only thing that matters is the answer to this question: “What am I going to do about it, today?”


Start Where You Are

Starting where you are is the first step towards progress. Embrace your current circumstances, acknowledging both strengths and weaknesses. By accepting the present, you empower yourself to take meaningful actions toward your goals. Embrace the journey ahead, one step at a time, and trust in your ability to navigate it with resilience and determination.


The conclusion of the interview with Ger Sasser is finally here. In this half we speak to some real leadership truths through the lens of mistakes and successes. It was such a privilege to share t ...
Working on a new leadership interview series. I am excited to be bringing this to you!
My good friend Johnny Reb recently shared a post from the Daily Stoic that spoke about Hanlon’s Razor. This is a principle that I feel is critical to universal success.